2013 started pretty awesome, my business got better as time goes by (maybe not very good but at least Im glad people heard of me somehow somewhat.) Managed to get a few vacations out of Singapore which I am thankful for.
I have neglected my friends since I was married but yet they still squeeze time out to have lunch or dinner to fit into my schedule just to catch up which I am really very touched about. Yes, I might not say it in words but your actions have proven that no matter what happened you girls & guys are there for me (you know who you are.)
Found out how much the hubby is willing to do just so to make me feel secured and not be sensitive over issues that easily. I am learning how to trust him( not like he did sth wrong but its prob my family background that made me not trust him. )
Learned how to be stronger in terms on physically and mentally. Having people to pull me down from where I am but yet staying happy and ignoring the comments that were heard. Had quite a bit of experience with a few well known brands doing events. Went for my school competition despite me not having much faith in myself, but at least I managed to push myself and got a pretty good result (:
It has pretty much been a fruitful year and with more ups than down, but sad to say when life is good something bad will come along. Losing something really dear to me made a big impact in my life but I am not gonna use this as an excuse to give up on life. I am prepared for far worst cases but this is 1 of the few that would be remembered for as long as Im alive.
I made a few resolution for 2013 and now its time for me to review if i have succeeded in fulfilling them.
1. to save xxxxx for my future nest.(manage to do half of what I wanted)
2. bringing in more nail products for customers to choose.(yes, i upgraded quite a few of my items)
3. able to handle my business and not neglecting my family.(I guess time management was pretty well done)
4. to improve in my nail arts and offer wider range of services.(I guess it did got better after alot of practices.)
5. to be known by more ppl. (yup, im glad quite a few people heard of me when I mentioned simplicitynails to them)
Im glad i managed to fulfill quite a no. of my resolutions for 2013 and to plan a few resolutions for the year ahead:
1. to save up enough money for my coming flat.
2. plan a holiday with the friends
3. go to places that I havent been to before.
4. spend more time with the husband & son
5. start trusting people.
6. to bring my business to another level.
This said, I hope everyone enjoyed their 2013 and hope that 2014 would be a better year for all of us! Wishing everyone a Happy new year and enjoy your new year with your loved ones.